19 Things Couples Should Give Up After Becoming New Parents

Having kids is an incredible journey filled with joy, challenges, and life-altering changes. Here’s a fun listicle highlighting 19 things couples might need to give up (or at least rethink) once they become parents.

Spontaneous Getaways

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Those spur-of-the-moment weekend trips or romantic escapes? Say goodbye for a while. Every trip requires detailed planning with kids in tow, from packing extra clothes and snacks to scheduling nap times and activities that suit young ones. Impromptu adventures are replaced with well-organized family vacations.

Sleeping In

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Remember the luxury of sleeping until noon on weekends? That’s history. Kids, especially toddlers, are early risers with boundless energy from the crack of dawn. Your new wake-up calls will be tiny hands shaking you awake, demanding breakfast or cartoons, often at an hour you once considered inhumane.

Immaculate Living Rooms

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Your beautifully curated living space will soon be transformed into a playground. Expect to find toys scattered everywhere, crayon masterpieces on walls, and a constant need to baby-proof sharp corners and electrical outlets. A spotless living room becomes a rare sight, replaced by a cozy, lived-in feel.

Fancy Date Nights

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Lavish dinners at upscale restaurants might become rare occasions. Coordinating childcare, battling exhaustion, and sticking to a budget often mean date nights shift to takeout and movies at home. Candlelit dinners are replaced by shared moments on the couch, cherishing each other’s company amidst the chaos.

Expensive Gadgets

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Investing in the latest gadgets? Think twice. Little ones are curious and not always gentle. Your shiny new phone or tablet might end up with sticky fingerprints, mysterious cracks, or submerged in unexpected places. It’s a phase where practicality trumps luxury, ensuring your valuables stay intact.

Extended “Me Time”

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Those leisurely hours spent at the spa, engrossed in hobbies or simply lounging, are now a luxury. Parenting demands attention, leaving you to squeeze personal time into brief moments. While self-care remains essential, it often takes a backseat to family responsibilities and shared activities.

Peaceful Meals

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Say farewell to quiet, leisurely meals. Dining with kids involves navigating picky eaters, food fights, and constant interruptions. Mealtime becomes a family affair, filled with laughter, mess, and the occasional tantrum. Your focus shifts from savoring gourmet dishes to ensuring everyone eats something healthy.

Weekend Marathons of TV Shows

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Binge-watching your favorite series? Adjust your expectations. With kids around, your TV schedule will feature more animated shows and family-friendly content. Your marathon sessions are replaced with episodes of cartoons and educational programs, making you a connoisseur of kids’ entertainment.

Exotic Vacations

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Exotic, far-flung destinations may need to wait until the kids are older. Think more along the lines of kid-friendly resorts, theme parks, and beach trips. Family vacations are designed with the young ones in mind, focusing on activities and environments that cater to their interests and needs.

Romantic Evenings

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Candlelit dinners and moonlit walks are often replaced with the practicalities of parenthood. Your romantic evenings might now involve multitasking—cooking dinner while helping with homework or soothing a crying baby. Intimacy adapts to shared smiles over a quiet moment once the kids are asleep.

Personal Space

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Privacy becomes a luxury with little ones around. From bathroom visits to changing clothes, expect constant interruptions. Kids have a knack for being wherever you are, turning personal space into a rare commodity. You’ll learn to cherish those brief moments of solitude when they come.

Late-Night Outs

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Nightclubs and late-night parties are likely to be swapped for early bedtime routines and quiet nights in. The energy to stay out until the early hours dwindles as early mornings with kids takes precedence. Socializing shifts to more family-friendly hours and settings.

Quiet Car Rides

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Peaceful drives are a thing of the past. Car rides now feature a soundtrack of endless questions, playful banter, and sing-alongs to kids’ songs. Your backseat becomes an entertainment zone, with toys, snacks, and games to keep the little ones occupied during journeys.

Fancy Home Decor

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Fragile and fancy decor items might need to be stored away or child-proofed. Your home adapts to be safer and more accessible for young children, often sacrificing delicate items in favor of durable, kid-friendly alternatives. Practicality reigns over aesthetics during the early years.

Guilt-Free Screen Time

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Setting an example becomes paramount, leading you to reconsider your screen time. With kids observing your every move, limiting your own device usage encourages healthy habits. Family time becomes more about interactive play and less about digital distractions.

Long Phone Conversations

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Extended phone chats are frequently interrupted by the demands of young children. Whether it’s settling a dispute over toys or answering a barrage of “why” questions, your conversations will be punctuated with parental duties. Quick, efficient calls become the norm.

Impromptu Social Gatherings

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Spontaneous get-togethers with friends become rare. Coordinating social events requires planning around nap times, bedtimes, and the general schedule of your children. Socializing often involves inviting friends for kid-friendly gatherings or meeting at child-appropriate venues.

Uninterrupted Conversations

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Discussions with your partner will often be interrupted by the needs and questions of your kids. Whether it’s mediating sibling disputes or attending to minor emergencies, finding uninterrupted time to talk requires creativity and patience.


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Whether it’s for work, study, or play, staying up all night will be replaced by tending to midnight feedings or early risers. Your nights now prioritize sleep when possible, as the demands of parenthood require a well-rested and alert approach to each day.

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Avoid these 20 phrases, and you might keep the peace—and maybe even get a smile or two along the way.

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