13 Gen Z Trends and Habits That Baffle Boomers and Gen Xers

Ah, the clash of the generations! Gen Z, those digital wizards of our time, have introduced a range of head-scratching trends and habits that baffle Boomers and Gen Xers. Here are a few that have the grown-ups scratching their heads, wondering if they missed a memo.

Cancel Culture Drama

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Gen Z is all about calling out problematic behavior and canceling people or things they disagree with – and on a severe level. They’re quick to cancel someone – even their once friends – for an insensitive tweet or an off-color comment from years ago. Boomers and Gen Xers think, “Why can’t people just forgive and forget?” Boomers don’t get why everyone’s so obsessed with digging up the past and dragging it into the present.

TikTok Obsession and Viral Dances

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TikTok is the go-to for Gen Z to show off their dance moves and participate in viral challenges. They love keeping up with the latest craze. Boomers and Gen Xers can’t understand why anyone would spend hours perfecting dance moves just for a 15-second video. They say, “Back in our day, we had real hobbies, not just copying moves on a screen!”

Crypto Craze and NFT Mania

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Today, Gen Z is diving headfirst into cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), buying digital art and investing in various digital currencies. They’re all about decentralization and disrupting the traditional financial systems. At the same time, the older generations are unsure if it’s a wise investment or just a big bubble waiting to burst.

Meme Culture and Internet Humor

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Gen Z has an entire language of memes, GIFs, and internet humor that’s constantly evolving – and it is hilarious on a serious note. They communicate through Pepe the Frog, SpongeBob, and various pop culture references that seem like gibberish to the older generations. Boomers and Gen Xers are scratching their heads, trying to understand why a senseless picture with a funny caption can make someone laugh for hours.

Remote Everything, Including School and Work

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Gen Z is all about working and learning from the comfort of their own rooms – I should say beds – wearing pajama bottoms and staying cozy. They’re all about that work-life balance and flexibility of working from anywhere. Boomers and Gen Xers, who are used to the 9-to-5 grind and in-person schooling, can’t fathom how anyone can concentrate with all the distractions at home.

Online Activism and Hashtag Campaigns

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Gen Z is into fighting for social justice causes online, using hashtags to raise awareness and bring about change. They’re promoting everything from climate action to racial equality with their hashtag campaigns. Boomers and Gen Xers find it perplexing that people think they can change the world by tweeting and sharing posts.

Endless Scrolling and Binge-Watching Frenzy

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Gen Z is spending hours on end scrolling through social media feeds, never-ending content, and binge-watching entire seasons of shows in one sitting. It is bewildering how someone can waste their time on things that aren’t productive.

Digital Detox and Mindfulness Practices

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Are they unplugging and practicing mindfulness using meditation apps to reduce stress and anxiety? Yes, this is Gen Z. They’re into yoga, journaling, and self-care routines. Boomers and Gen Xers are confused about why anyone would need an app to meditate or spend so much time staring at their thoughts.

Customizable Everything

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Gen Z is customizing everything from their sneakers to their smartphones. They want their names on everything, from water bottles to laptop bags. Older generations find it odd why anyone would spend extra just to have their name printed on something.

Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences and Gaming

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Gen Z indulges in virtual reality, enjoying immersive gaming experiences and interactive simulations. They’re exploring virtual worlds and trying out the latest VR gadgets. Boomers and Gen Xers are puzzled by the idea of spending so much time in a virtual space, wearing bulky headsets, and pretending to be somewhere they’re not.

Influencer Culture and Brand Sponsorships

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Some Gen Zs love to become social media influencers, build their personal brands, and get paid to promote products. They’re all over Instagram and YouTube, flexing their lifestyles and endorsing everything from protein shakes to fashion brands. Boomers and Gen Xers don’t understand why anyone cares about someone else’s breakfast or workout routine.

Political Correctness

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The emphasis on political correctness and sensitivity to various issues can sometimes be considered excessive by older generations, who may feel it inhibits free speech or stifles open discourse.

Social Media Obsession

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Gen Z is known for their constant connection to social media platforms. Older generations often find it annoying when younger individuals are glued to their screens during social gatherings rather than engaging in face-to-face conversations.

Things Boomers Did in the ’80s That Seem Ridiculous Today

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While nostalgia makes everything seem charming in hindsight, some of the things Boomers did in the ’80s would raise more than a few eyebrows today. Here are some of the most head-scratching habits and trends that now seem downright ridiculous.

Things Boomers Did in the ’80s That Seem Ridiculous Today

16 Trends That Prove Gen X Was Ahead of Its Time

Gen X
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

So, the next time someone refers to them as the “forgotten generation,” remind them that they just walked deliberately so you could run.

16 Trends That Prove Gen X Was Ahead of Its Time

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