Unexpected Reality About Men’s Views on Women’s Physical Appearance

Ladies, let’s face it – we think we know exactly what men like about women’s physical appearance, but sometimes it can be tricky. Although not all men are the same, here are some hilarious and shocking truths about men’s views on women’s physical appearance. So, kick back, and let’s have some fun while delving into these fresh new perspectives.

Angelina Jolie-like Lips

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Men love full kissable lips just like that of Angeline Jolie. Angelina Jolie is well known for her distinctive lips. Her lips are attractive and desirable and have even been described as “perfect” or “iconic” in the beauty and entertainment world. So, no surprises here.

Don’t Chop Off Your Hair

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If you are thinking about chopping off your hair, hold that thought. While women may think that shorter hair makes them look sleek and stylish, many men love those long tresses. Men see long hair as an expression of a woman’s individuality and personality, which is desirable to men. Stop drooling over those pixie cuts, ladies.

Go Easy On That Contour Brush

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Gentlemen do not prefer blonds – at least, not when it’s dyed. Men appreciate the natural beauty and authenticity of a woman’s hair without chemical dyes.

Natural Scents

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Scent can play a significant role in attraction. Some men are drawn to a woman’s natural scent, finding it appealing and evocative of pheromones, which can trigger subconscious attraction cues.

Natural Hair Color

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Gentlemen do not prefer blonds – at least, not when it’s dyed. Men appreciate the natural beauty and authenticity of a woman’s hair without chemical dyes.

Arm Lenght

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We all could have guessed that men love long legs, but longer arms? Yes, that’s true; men love long and slender arms and find them particularly attractive in women.

Looks Aren’t Everything

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We may think that in the physical aspects of things, looks are what initially attract a man, but that is so not true. Other traits such as smell, smile, or unique personality can significantly affect a woman’s physical appearance.

Not Everyone Loves a Tall Girl

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Men may like tall and slender women, but they prefer it if women are shorter than them. So don’t lose hope if you are not the tallest girl in the room; many men love just that.

Shapely Legs Do More Than You Think

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Long skinny legs like those on models can be attractive to some men. However, shapely legs do far more than you expect. It is consistently rated as one of women’s most appealing features, and most men agree!

Confidence is Everything

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No matter what you look like, if you are confident in yourself and know it, it shows on your face. The inner confidence also makes you gleam from the outside, and men love that.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Freckles can be charming and endearing to some men. They add uniqueness and character to a person’s face, making them more appealing.

Eye Contact

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When a woman can initiate and make eye contact with a man in a room full of people, it can be just that x-factor needed for a man to fall in love at first sight. Confident, unwavering eye contact is high up there in men’s preferences for women.

Believe It or Not: Taking the Lead

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It is a general impression that men want to take the lead, but when women take the lead, it is highly attractive to men. It shows that she is confident in her decision and knows when and how to take charge. And believe it or not, it’ll make a woman physically attractive.

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Photo Credit: iStock

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