16 Stereotypes About What Men Want in Relationships

Whether it’s the result of societal pressures, misrepresentation in media, or simply communication gaps, these misunderstandings can lead to unnecessary friction and confusion. Here’s a closer look at what men really want in a relationship.

They are Always in the Mood

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While the stereotype exists, men don’t always want to engage in sexual activity. Like everyone else, they need the right mental and emotional space, and their interest can be affected by stress, health, and other factors.

Emotional Absence is Not Emotional Reserve

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A lot of men have been socialized to be stoic and suppress any feelings. This does not mean they are not feeling emotion or have no emotional needs; they may just express it differently or in a more subtle manner.

They Do Not Care About Physical Appearance

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Beauty standards affect men as well; they can feel insecure in their physical bodies (weight, height, hair loss, etc). Insecurities in regard to physical appearance do not only apply to women.

They Can Not Be Nurturers

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Men are often boxed into the role of “providers”, however, they can be caregivers as well. Many men are proud of, and find joy in caring for their loved ones, whether they are their children, partners, or pets.

Independence is Not as Important for Them as it is for You

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Men, just like women, treasure their independence. They like to have their own hobbies, interests, and time to themselves.

They Do Not Need Compliments

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Men often do not receive compliments as much as women do. Words of kindness concerning their appearance, skills, or traits will help boost their confidence and feelings of appreciation.

They Do Not Value Communication

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Just because some men may find it difficult to talk about their feelings doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a good conversation. Honest, and clear communication matters to men just as much as it does to women.

Not Being the Sole Provider is a Pressure

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Society places a tremendous amount of pressure on men to be the primary providers for their families. Many men would prefer having a teammate in raising their family and sharing the financial burden.

They Don’t Need Emotional Support

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Equally, the stereotype that men should be these stoic individuals who are always strong and in control creates barriers from having the support they may need emotionally. Men, like women, need support when life gets difficult.

They Don’t Enjoy Romance

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The misconception that men do not like romance is false. Most men appreciate romantic gestures, unanticipated date nights, sentimental letters, and all other forms of love demonstrations.

They are Always Up for a Drink

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Not every man likes to drink beer or go out for a drink. Many men have different ways to relax and bond with friends, like running or work out together, watching a movie, or spending a quiet evening at home.

They Are Afraid to Cry

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While many men are discouraged from expressing sadness by society, for many men, crying is simply therapeutic. Crying is a natural emotional response and should be viewed as appropriate behavior for both men and women.

The Chivalry is Dead

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In an era of independence, some women misinterpret a gentleman’s gestures of chivalry as patronizing to their capabilities. Many men offer assistance simply due to civility and respect—not because they believe a woman is incapable or that they expect something in return.

They Do Not Value Their Friendships

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Male friendships, often called ‘bromances,’ are important to men. They are a place for shared interests, companionship, and support.

Vulnerability is Weakness

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Being vulnerable is often viewed as a weakness for men. However, many men realize that being vulnerable is a sign of emotional maturity and strength.

All Men Are Handy

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The belief that all men are good with their hands and enjoy DIY is simply a stereotype. Some men are, but many others just prefer doing other things.

Overrated Male Traits That Women Don’t Care About

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One such area, laden with misconceptions, is the commonly held beliefs about what traits women find attractive in men. Here’s a list of overrated male traits that women might not actually care about as much as men think.

Overrated Male Traits That Women Don’t Care About

Common Habits Women Think Are Cute, But Men Find Annoying

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While women often have their own set of behaviors they find baffling in men, the reverse is also true. Here’s a light-hearted look at some habits women believe are endearing but men might secretly (or not-so-secretly) find a tad annoying.

Common Habits Women Think Are Cute, But Men Find Annoying

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