The Most Infamous Celebrity DWI Arrests

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense that can have devastating consequences. When celebrities are caught driving under the influence, it often garners significant media attention. Over the years, several high-profile stars have found themselves in hot water due to their poor decision to get behind the wheel after drinking. Here are some of the most infamous celebrity DWI arrests that have made headlines.

Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan, once a beloved child star, has had multiple run-ins with the law, many of which are related to substance abuse. Her first DWI arrest in 2007 marked the beginning of a series of legal troubles. Lohan was pulled over in Beverly Hills after police noticed her driving erratically. She was charged with driving under the influence, possession of cocaine, and driving with a suspended license. Lohan’s numerous arrests and rehab stints have made her one of the most infamous examples of a celebrity struggling with addiction.

Mel Gibson

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In 2006, actor and director Mel Gibson was arrested in Malibu, California, for DWI. The incident quickly became infamous not just for the arrest itself, but for Gibson’s outburst during the arrest, which included anti-Semitic remarks directed at the arresting officer. Gibson later apologized for his behavior, blaming it on his alcoholism. The arrest and subsequent scandal severely damaged his reputation in Hollywood.

Justin Bieber

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Pop star Justin Bieber was arrested in Miami Beach in 2014 for DWI, resisting arrest without violence, and having an expired driver’s license. Police reported that Bieber was drag racing a Lamborghini and had admitted to consuming alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. The incident was widely covered in the media, showcasing the pitfalls of fame at a young age. Bieber later turned his life around, but this arrest remains a notorious moment in his career.

Paris Hilton

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In 2006, socialite Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood for driving under the influence. Hilton pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to probation and a fine. However, she violated her probation by driving with a suspended license, which led to a brief jail stint. Hilton’s arrest was one of the early examples of the “celebutante” culture clashing with the law.

Tiger Woods

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In 2017, golf legend Tiger Woods was found asleep at the wheel of his car in Jupiter, Florida, and was arrested for DUI. Woods had a combination of prescription medications in his system, which he claimed were for pain and sleep issues. The arrest was a significant blow to Woods’ public image, although he later made a remarkable comeback in his golfing career.

Amanda Bynes

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Former child star Amanda Bynes had a well-documented struggle with mental health and substance abuse. In 2012, Bynes was arrested in West Hollywood for DWI after sideswiping a police car. This arrest marked the beginning of a series of erratic behaviors and legal issues that would lead to her conservatorship and treatment for mental health issues.

Reese Witherspoon

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While the DWI arrest of Reese Witherspoon’s husband, Jim Toth, in 2013 was the main event, Witherspoon herself was also arrested for disorderly conduct. The actress was reportedly intoxicated and tried to intervene during her husband’s arrest, famously asking the officer, “Do you know my name?” Witherspoon later apologized for her behavior, acknowledging that she had too much to drink.

Nick Nolte

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In 2002, actor Nick Nolte was arrested for DWI after being found driving erratically in Malibu. Nolte’s mugshot, which showed him with wild hair and a Hawaiian shirt, quickly went viral and became one of the most infamous celebrity mugshots of all time. Nolte later admitted to battling substance abuse issues and sought treatment.

Vince Neil

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Mötley Crüe frontman Vince Neil has had multiple run-ins with the law, including a tragic DWI incident in 1984 that resulted in the death of his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle. Neil served time in jail and faced lawsuits from the families affected. His history with alcohol and DWI arrests is a stark reminder of the deadly consequences that can result from driving under the influence.

Michelle Rodriguez

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Fast and Furious” star Michelle Rodriguez has had several legal issues related to DWI. In 2003, she was arrested for DUI in Hawaii and later served time in jail for violating her probation. Rodriguez’s arrests highlight the ongoing struggle some celebrities face with substance abuse and the law.

Justin Timberlake

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Singer Justin Timberlake was arrested on June 17th, 2024, and charged with misdemeanor DWI in the Hamptons. According to police reports, Timberlake exhibited signs of intoxication, including bloodshot, glassy eyes, and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. He appeared unsteady on his feet, had slowed speech, and failed a field sobriety test. Despite these signs, Timberlake claimed to the arresting officer that he had only consumed one drink.

Charlie Sheen

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Charlie Sheen, known for his roles in “Two and a Half Men” and his tumultuous personal life, was arrested in 2010 for DWI after a car accident in Aspen, Colorado. This arrest was part of a series of legal and personal issues Sheen faced, including substance abuse and domestic violence charges. His erratic behavior and legal troubles became a focal point of media coverage for years.

Shia LaBeouf

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Actor Shia LaBeouf has had several run-ins with the law, including a notable DWI arrest in 2008 in Los Angeles after a car accident that left him with a hand injury requiring surgery. LaBeouf’s struggles with alcohol and the law have been well-documented, leading to multiple rehab stints and public apologies.

Sam Hunt

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Country music star Sam Hunt was arrested in 2019 for DUI in Nashville. Police reported that Hunt was driving the wrong way down a road and had an open container in the vehicle. His blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit. Hunt publicly apologized and took responsibility for his actions, acknowledging the severity of his mistake.

Keanu Reeves

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In 1993, Keanu Reeves was arrested for DWI in Los Angeles after being pulled over for driving erratically. Reeves was cooperative with police and later pleaded guilty to the charge. Although this incident did not garner as much media attention as some other celebrity arrests, it remains a notable moment in the actor’s otherwise low-key public life.

Michael Phelps

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Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps was arrested for DUI in Maryland in 2014, marking his second alcohol-related arrest (the first was in 2004 for DUI). Phelps expressed deep regret over the incident and subsequently entered a rehab program. His arrests were significant, given his status as one of the most decorated Olympians in history, highlighting the impact of his actions on his public image.

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