Mom Refused To Lend Her Son Money From Her Daughter’s Savings – Now He Is Accusing Her of Favoritism

She Refused To Lend Her Son Money From Her Daughter’s Savings – Now He Is Accusing Her of Favoritism

Daughter’s Living Arrangement

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The woman’s daughter, aged 29, still resided with her parents at home. After college, the daughter expressed concerns about living independently and requested to stay with her parents until she felt ready. Given the current housing prices and safety concerns, the woman and her husband agreed that it was best for their daughter to continue living at home. They did not pressure her to move out, and she paid them monthly rent. Her only other financial responsibilities included expenses for her cat and personal activities.

Secret Savings Plan

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The woman’s husband created a plan to save the rent money their daughter had been paying them as a surprise. They intended to give her the accumulated savings when she was ready to move out without her knowledge of their actions.

Son’s House Hunting

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Meanwhile, the woman’s son and his wife were actively searching for a house but were struggling to find a suitable one within their budget. In their financial shortfall, they discovered the secret savings the parents had been accumulating from their daughter’s rent payments.

Request for the Money

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The son and his wife approached the woman and her husband, taking advantage of their daughter’s absence while she was at work. They requested access to the saved rent money, explaining their urgent need for funds.

Firm Denial

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The woman firmly declined their request, stating that the money did not belong to them but to their daughter. She emphasized that the savings were intended as a surprise gift for their daughter when she eventually decided to move out.

Urgent Financial Situation

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The son argued that their daughter had no immediate plans to leave, while he and his wife required the money urgently. In response, the woman offered to provide them with some financial assistance. However, it fell significantly short of the amount accumulated over the seven years their daughter had been living at home.

Proposal for Repayment

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The son suggested that if they gave him the money, the woman and her husband could slowly reimburse themselves over the next few years. However, the woman expressed concerns about the financial strain it would place on them, explaining that the sum reserved for their daughter was too substantial to be quickly replenished.

Accusations of Favoritism

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Feeling disappointed and frustrated, the son and his wife accused the woman of favoring their daughter. In response, the woman defended herself, highlighting that the son had also had the opportunity to live at home after college and save for a house but chose not to take it.

Explaining the Situation

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The woman attempted to explain to her son and his wife that she couldn’t simply give away money that rightfully belonged to their daughter. She expressed her limitations in fulfilling their request.

Angry Departure

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After the woman refused to compromise on the matter, her son and his wife left angrily, feeling unsatisfied with the outcome of their discussion.


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The woman questioned whether her decision not to give away her daughter’s savings made her the “bad guy” in this situation.

Seeking Validation

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Wondering if she had acted unfairly, the woman sought external opinions to determine if her refusal to give away her daughter’s money was justified.

Divided Opinions Online

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“The entitlement is boggling. There is no favouritism here as you offered him the same treatment as your daughter to live at home and he refused.”

“Daughter is living at home because she doesn’t “feel ready”, not to save money. At 29, she may NEVER move out; then what?
The money paid for rent by daughter doesn’t belong to daughter; it’s rent and it belongs to you. That you chose to save it for her doesn’t make it her money. 
It will still be money you’re choosing to gift her. Son isn’t entitled to the money, but it’s also not exactly fair of you to allow daughter to live rent-free for YEARS and not assist your son at all when you can clearly afford to.”

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