She Left a Kid at the Police Station Because She Could Not Wait for the Parent Any Longer – The Mother Is Furious.

She Left a Kid at the Police Station Because She Could Not Wait for the Parent Any Longer. The Mother Is Furious.

A Frustrating Pick-Up Situation

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A woman had been working at a daycare/school for the last six months.

Late Pick-Ups and Inconvenience

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The daycare/school, located outside of America, operated from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. but occasionally stayed open until 5:30 p.m. to accommodate tardy parents. However, one parent consistently arrived later than usual, sometimes not even showing up until around 6:00 p.m.

Alone and Waiting Outside

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Usually, the woman had to stay with the parent’s child, waiting outside alone because the school was closed and everyone else had left. She even had to relieve herself in the bushes on one occasion because the school’s bathroom was closed.

A Late Pick-Up at 7:00 pm

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A few days ago, the mother didn’t come for her child until 7:00 p.m. This created extreme inconvenience for the woman as taxis were much harder to get after 6:30 p.m. She had to walk at least 15 minutes to reach the commercial area to find transportation home. Although the area is considered safe, she didn’t feel comfortable walking alone at night.

Repeated Delays and No Ride

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The following day, the same situation occurred when the mother didn’t arrive until 7:00 p.m. When the woman asked for a ride, the mother declined, saying she wouldn’t drive in that direction.

Left Stranded and Desperate

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Two days later, the woman found herself waiting until approximately 7:30 p.m. This time, she was exhausted and hungry. Despite repeatedly attempting to contact the mother, there was no response. In addition, the child needed to use the bathroom, leaving the woman with no choice but to take them to the back of the school, which was inconvenient and unsanitary.

A Drastic Decision

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Approaching 8:00 p.m., the woman tried calling the mother again, but with no success. Since taxis generally stopped running in her area after 8:00 p.m., she felt compelled to take the child to the nearby police station, approximately five minutes away. She left a voicemail for the mother, explaining that her child was waiting there and then went home.

Anger and Accusations

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The next day, when the woman returned to the daycare, the mother was present and furious. She demanded that the woman be fired for leaving her child at the police station. The mother expressed worry and frustration, as she had no idea where her child was until she went to the police station to file a report. The woman tried explaining that she had left a voicemail, but the mother refused to listen to her side of the story.

Consequences and Uncertainty

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Regarding the daycare/school’s policies, a meeting was held to discuss the situation and decide the appropriate course of action. No decision has been made, but there were discussions about potentially placing the woman on leave. She loves her job and feels remorseful for causing the mother to worry, assuming she would have listened to the voicemail. She wonders if she is the bad guy in this situation.

The Internet Weighs In

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The woman took her story to the internet to see if she was being unreasonable or if she made the right decision. Here is what a few had to say on Reddit. 

“Child protection will probably get involved at this point. If your job wants to give you grief, bill them for all the hours you spent babysitting the kid outside. See a lawyer, they will love the part about how you and the kid had to pee outside, and you got fired anyway—money in the bank for them.”

“The school put you and the kid out of the building, they took the kid off of the property and handed them to you. How are you responsible for this? Were you at least paid for this time? What did the school ever to do to make this woman responsible for picking up her kid? Get a new job somewhere else.”

Most People Side with the Teacher

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“Change jobs. It’s ridiculous do expect you to do random overtime. Are you even paid for that?”

“You are wrong for letting it get this far. In the UK its considered neglect to be constantly late to pick up your child, this should of been resolved the first week it started. Why are you hanging around with a child for 2 hours after work??? Do you know how badly that could come back on to you, grooming/assault?? You should never be alone with a child for that reason alone”

“You are not wrong, As a parent, I couldn’t fathom picking my child up 10 minutes late, let alone over 3 hours late!”

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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